The Artist's Garden

The Artist's Garden


Susan Lackey is an avid gardener as well as an artist. Her garden is created with an artist’s eye. It’s full of color, texture, variety, and harmony, this same as it is in this painting. The following poem by the artist, poet, and gardener, Susan Lackey, was inspired by this artwork and her garden.

When I look at nature’s beauty, I know it is my duty

To put her colors and shapes, in the paintings I make.

All the greens and blues

And red-orange too,

Make my garden happy and my painting snappy.

  • 30 inches x 20 inches

  • mixed media

  • Painting panel

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The Nature’s Resonance Collection

These paintings were inspired by the visual features, the sound, and the movement that resonates in nature’s mountains, hills, and woodland walks. The colors, shapes, textures, and light of natural settings have been creatively abstracted to suggest the rhythms, the sounds, the movement that are seen and heard.